Only one person has ever managed to get me to leave this Island I live on and that man was my very dear Dutch friend Rolf Polder. I fist met Rolf when he was over here staying in a Torquay hotel with his family that I was a resident entertainer in.
It is a friendship that has stood the test of time and one of these fine days he will be back in Torbay the place he loves so much. After returning to stay in Paignton for a week a year or so later after our first meeting, he wanted me and my late wife Carol to stay in his family home in Holland for a week.
A week I will never forget as we did so much and saw so much and one day I might make the trip there again. One thing Carol loved was dolphins and one of the planned trips was to Dolfinarium.
Carols eyes lit up as she got close to the creatures she loved and watched some amazing displays that I filmed for her to watch again when we got home. The camera I used back them was not so good indoors for stills, so I was unable to get any real good shots of some of those displays.
But here are some I did get outdoors, if you ever go to Holland I fully recommend a day out at Dolfinarium.